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Investment Management

Intex CMO Subroutines

Intex Solutions, Inc

Build or enhance your own CMO application with Intex CMO Subroutines.Used by dozens of the top firms on Wall Street, Intex's highly portable"C" callable subroutines permit many hundreds of CMO calculations andcashflow generation options, including user-defined prepayment and indexrate models. At the core of Intex CMO Subroutines is Intex's completeand highly accu- rate database of agency, private and whole loan CMO dealmodels, enhanced continually with new deals and updates of seasoneddeals. You can use the subroutines to parse a CMO descriptive file orrun cash flows for almost any application from simple price/yield tablesto your own option-adjusted spread models. Among the many CMO analyticsincluded are: price/yield, weighted average life, modified duration, andlockout.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Intex Solutions, Inc
35 Highland Cir
Needham, MA 02194
Phone: (617) 449-6222
Fax: (617) 444-2318